Trusted by leading companies

Build a pipeline of future ready executives and board directors
Boost corporate learning engagement and with our collaborative learning programmes

Practical learning experiences you'll remember
Cohorts are led by leading industry experts who understand what skills you need to master in order to accelerate your career.
Our human-centric approach to learning allows you to get the most out of these experts through personalized engagement and Q&A.
Our learning suites are dedicated both to newly appointed c-level, senior management and aspiring board members.
Rapidly build competencies through short-burst
Learning sprints allow learners to rapidly build competencies through short-burst, easily consumable content with a focus on application.
Get new, important ideas into the hands of learners quickly
Scale across the enterprise – reach learners across the globe
Foster a culture of learning through an engaging, application-focused experience


Cohort-based competencies through short-burst
For senior leaders there is no substitute to cohort-based learning. To enrich the impact of the learning experience for your senior leadership, our executive accelerator programmes incorporate powerful living-learning experiences as part of an integrated enterprise learning solution tailored to your needs.
A fully immersive holistic experience that is uniquely enriching and intentional
Real-world case examples, business simulations, group discussions that foster collaboration
Networking and forming lasting relationships that continue long after the experience ends.
Building a board pipeline?
Assessing high-performers
How strong is your c-suite and senior management pipeline? How strong is your board leadership pipeline? Have you built a board with the future in mind?
These are the pillars of our effective programmes:
Determining the most important competencies for leadership roles
Assessing the potential of executives and aspiring board directors
Creating a growth map showing employees strengths in alignment with their competencies
Giving high-performers development opportunities, mentoring, board experience, mentoring and coaching

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Book time in our calendar to share needs for corporate training, course & anything board related.